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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

You will need to set up an administrator that has Jef administration access.


In Jim2, on the ribbon, go to Tools > Security


jef security


Enable a user for a web access.


allow web access


Set up user for web account. Go to the User tab on the card file and Allow Web Access as below.


customer web account


Emailing Passwords

First, you will need to set up the password email template. See Email Templates for further information, including macros.


Use the %WebLogon@ and %Password% macros within the email body.


email password template


Restart Jes with the Publish Module Enabled

Restart Jes with the Publish module enabled.

Wait a few minutes while Jes performs its initial publication of data to Jef.

Log on with your user account (see here for troubleshooting).

Browse to the admin/admin.aspx in order to administer your website.