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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

On the ribbon, go to Tools > Options > Documents.


options documents


Option Setting


Default Value

Maximum Document Size

This option allows you to set the maximum single document size (in megabytes) that can be added to your Jim2 database.


Maximum Document Versions

This is the maximum number of revisions to a document that Jim2 will keep track of when using version control. Older versions will be deleted if the revision count is exceeded.


Email Document as link

When emailing a document that has an external URL (eg. a copy is available on the web), a link to the document will be inserted in emails rather than the actual document.


Default Document Security by Security Group

This setting controls the default security applied to a document when first added. If not ticked, no security is applied by default. If ticked, the security levels that you then set for Everyone and My Security Group will be applied.


Jim2 User Security overrides object level security settings. If a user is a member of a security group that cannot view documents, that user will be unable to view any document, regardless of the document’s security settings here.



Further information:
