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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

All of the lists within Jim2 have a number of fields for searching. Most lists also have an Advanced List tab at the bottom left of the screen (excluding the Items list) which will expand the list header, providing more fields for filtering.


Below is a job list showing the Advanced List. Within these advanced lists, the Date> Date< fields in the header have a dropdown list, where there is an extensive selection, such as today, yesterday, last month, etc.




Lists allow for excluding criteria from searches to create lists that don't contain certain information. For example, search for all jobs except ones belonging to this customer.


Choose a group, then double click on the wording Card Grp beside the field. This will turn the field green to indicate that group selection is inverted. For example, select cardfiles that are not in these groups.




Groups can also be excluded/included from lists by selecting &/OR beside the ellipsis [...].





This does not apply to all lists, ie. email, documents.


Lists can also be used to collect data from all current and previous records of a particular object, or from only those records that are active, finished, ready, invoiced, etc. The actual status name depends on the type of object: job, quote, stock, etc.


Lists contain specific criteria that relate to the Jim2 object fields and specific date ranges. However, reports contain calculations and scripted formulas that perform specific functions. For example, create a list of all jobs that need stock ordered for them using the status of Parts as a Job List criteria. Use the Job List – Stock on Back order report to see what stock is being waited on.




Further information

List Security

Live Lists

Meaning of Checkboxes

Published Lists

Right click options in Lists


How to

Create a Published List

Create a List from a Hyperlink

Customise Lists

Grouping Lists

Multi-column Sorting

Naming Lists

Pinning Lists

Search Within Lists