Commission Sessions Setups

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Before starting, there is some configuration required via Tools > Options > Stock > Stock Pricing. Tick I use Commission Sessions. More refined selections can also be made in this area, such as commission calculation method, etc.


i use comm sess



Default Value


I use Commission Sessions


Tick to enable Commission Sessions.

Calc commission based on


Select the default way to base calculated commissions on:

Stock – Commission is calculated at a stock level

Job – Commission is calculated at a job total level.

Commission calc method


Select the default method to calculate commission on:

Price Inc

Price Ex


Pay to

Account Manager

Select the user the commission is payable to:

Account Manager



Start Commissions From


Enter a date here to filter out jobs invoiced prior to this date.

Pay on

Date Out

Choose from pay on the date out or the date paid.

Fully Paid


When ticked, include only fully paid jobs in Commission Sessions.

Total <> 0


Unticked, include jobs with a non-zero value.


Commission values

These are set up on the Details tab of stock codes.




Commission values are comprised of three components:


Commission Component


Commission floor cost

Used when calculating commission based on profit. If a commission floor cost is entered, profit calculations will use this value rather than the actual cost. For example, floor cost $1,000, actual cost $945, profit based on $1,000 floor cost.

Commission Percent

Percent of commission to be paid depending on commission method. Either price inc, price ex, or profit.

Commission Extra $

A flat dollar amount paid per stock sold. For example, $100 for every 50 sold.


All three components can be combined, for example 10% commission of profit based on floor cost plus an extra $10.


Exclude from Commissions is self explanatory.


Further information

Commission Security

Commission Values and Calculations

Create Commission Session

Commission Session List Mode

Delete a Commission Session