Create Commission Session

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A Commission Session provides a way to generate a list of invoiced jobs and returns based on selection criteria. For example, all jobs of type Commission with account manager Joe for last month that are not already in a reconciled Commission Session.



RFC's can only be strict returns. Non strict returns will not be included.


It is important to ensure there is a method of flagging jobs that are subject to commission prior to invoicing, so jobs where commission is not payable can easily be filtered out of the Commission Session.


The following Job/RFC selections are available:


commission header'




Select By

Choices are:

Current – includes only transactions for Date Out <>. Date Paid <> will also include transactions that fall outside the current period.

Current (Reconciled) – Shows only reconciled and includes only transactions for Date Out <>. Date Paid <> will also include transactions that fall outside the current period.

List Mode – provides a method of displaying a list of commissions, regardless of whether they are in a session or not.

Session # to view a specific reconciled commission session.

Date Out > Date In <

Invoice (after and before) dates of jobs or RFC's.

Acc. Mgr

The account manager on the jobs or RFC's.

Acc. Mgr. Groups

All jobs and related RFC's where the account manager is in the selected user groups.


The Name on the jobs or RFC's.

Name Groups

All jobs and related RFC's where the Name is in the selected user groups.

Job Type

Choose a job type from the dropdown list (as set up in Tools > Setups > Jobs > Job Type).


The Item# on the jobs or related RFC's.

Item Groups

All jobs where the Item# is in the selected Item groups.


Branch on the jobs or RFC's (if branches are enabled).


Sub-Branch on jobs or RFC's.

GL Dept

General ledger department on jobs or RFC's.

Fully Paid

Tick to include fully paid invoiced jobs.

Total <> 0

Ticked will include $0 jobs.


hmtoggle_arrow1Step 1 – Create a list


hmtoggle_arrow1Step 2 – Edit commissions


hmtoggle_arrow1Step 3 – Create a commission session


As many commission sessions as required can be generated. For example, per user (Account Manager, Name), per month, etc.


Further information

Commission Security

Commission Sessions

Commission Sessions Setup

Commission Values and Calculations

Commission Session List Mode

Delete a Commission Session