Base Charge and Base Rate

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Stock must be set up prior to adding meters, including macro descriptions on the Contracts tab.


Example Macros

{{Project.Meter.Counter Name" "}}{{"Last Read – "Project.Meter.Job.Previous Job.Meter Read" "}}{{"Last Estimated Read – "Project.Meter.Job.Previous Job.Estimated Meter Read" "}}{{Project.Meter.Job.Previous Job.Date Due" "}}{{"Current Read – "Project.Meter.Job.Meter Read" "}}{{"Estimated Read – "Project.Meter.Job.Estimated Meter Read" "}}{{"Prints – "Project.Meter.Job.Qty" "}}{{"Estimated Prints – "Project.Meter.Job.Estimated Qty" "}}


Base Charge

This contract has a black meter and a colour meter.


min base charge


Using reads of black 53,000 and colour 10,400 produces the following:


rental charge


Base Rate

Base Rate is similar to Base Charge, however Base Rate will allows adding a quantity when adding the meter. It will also allow adding a quantity when doing the billing if the Hide Service box is ticked.


base rate


Further Information

Base Charge and Minimum

Base Charge and Base Rate

Meter Types