Black A3 and Separate A4 Meter

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Stock must be set up prior to adding meters, including macro descriptions on the Contracts tab.


Example Macros

{{Project.Meter.Counter Name" "}}{{"Last Read – "Project.Meter.Job.Previous Job.Meter Read" "}}{{"Last Estimated Read – "Project.Meter.Job.Previous Job.Estimated Meter Read" "}}{{Project.Meter.Job.Previous Job.Date Due" "}}{{"Current Read – "Project.Meter.Job.Meter Read" "}}{{"Estimated Read – "Project.Meter.Job.Estimated Meter Read" "}}{{"Prints – "Project.Meter.Job.Qty" "}}{{"Estimated Prints – "Project.Meter.Job.Estimated Qty" "}}


The customer is charged double the price for each A3 page.


cpc a3


So, an A4 read of 56,000 and an A3 read of 24,000 produces the following job:


cpc a3 job


Further information

3 Tier Colour Coverage

Advaced Meter Setup

Base Charge

Black A3 and Black A4 Meter with Min Vol over the 2 Meters

Black A3 and Separate A4 Meter

Clawback Meters

Contract with Total Meter

Estimate Meter Reads

Free, Prepaid Block and Page Billing

Minimums Examples

PMP Plan Meter Setup

Simple Meter Examples

Split Meter Setups

Unders and Overs Meter Setup