Print a Quote

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Once a quote has been created, either fax, email, print or print preview it.

1.Search for the quote to print by either:

Clicking View/Edit Quote on the ribbon, or

view quote

Clicking the Create List icon on the ribbon        

2.Once the quote is on screen, click Print from the Report toolbar dropdown list to select which Quote Report to use.


Jim2 is supplied with a standard quote report suited to most businesses. Other quote reports can be designed via Jim2 Report Designer.

print quote

3.Once the report has been chosen, select the appropriate print option.


It is also possible to print to a number of different file formats, ie. a spreadsheet PDF or Word files.


How to

Add a Document to a Quote

Add a Quote

Add Stock to a Quote

Create a Job from a Quote

Create a Quote from a Previous or Similar Quote

Create a Template for Recurring Quotes

Create a quote list

Personalise Quotes

Print a Quote

Use comments to Track the Progress of a Quote

View or Edit a Quote