View or Edit a Quote

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1.View or edit a quote by either:

Clicking View/Edit Quote on the ribbon, or

Right clicking on Quote in the Nav Tree and choosing View/Edit Quote.


If the quote number is unknown, use the search features of the quote list in Jim2 to find the quote. Double click the quote to view/edit from the resulting list. This will bring the quote into View mode only. To edit that quote, click Edit at the bottom of the Quote form.

2.A screen will appear where enter the quote number. Click either View or Edit, depending on the function to be performed.

view edit quote


Clicking Cancel will not cancel the quote selected – it will only cancel the choice to view or edit that quote. To cancel a quote, the quote needs to be in Edit mode and the status of Cancel applied. Jim2 will time/date/initial stamp the cancellation and log the history of the cancellation.


How to

Add a Document to a Quote

Add a Quote

Add Stock to a Quote

Create a Job from a Quote

Create a Quote from a Previous or Similar Quote

Create a Template for Recurring Quotes

Create a quote list

Personalise Quotes

Print a Quote

Use comments to Track the Progress of a Quote

View or Edit a Quote