Individual Status Security

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There are two areas where security can be set on individual statuses: Tools > Security (controls whether a user can access Status and at what level), and Tools > Status (ie., restricting sales staff from editing a job once its status has changed to Picking would be done via Tools > Status).


Jim2 Security

Status security levels can be a value from 1 (everyone) to 10 (administrators), set via Tools > Security. When Jim2 is first installed, all security groups and statuses are set to a level of 10 by default. From there, administrators can choose which security groups have access to which Status security level, and also whether they have access to view, add, edit.




Status Security

The Status level flag in existing security groups allows for restricting who can use each status in the strict workflow.


For example, restrict the users who can change a sales job to Finish to those whose security level is 8 or higher. To do this:

on the ribbon, go to Tools > Status, select the Sales Job tab, then select the row containing the FINISH status

click Edit

select Security Level to set the security level to 8

click Save.




When setting the status security level, it is important to remember which users can move a job onto a specific status. Ensure the Security grid corresponds with the choices here.





Linked Statuses

Status Security Level



1 – anyone can book a job.


Proceed, Booked

1 – anyone can proceed.


Booked, Checked, Proceed

8 – only users with this security level or higher can change a job to Finish status. In fact, this Status option is not visible if the user does not have this security level or higher.


There is also a security setting here that allows/disallows users to edit statuses:




Please contact to discuss report development that includes status benchmarking.


Further information

Setting up or Changing a Status

Add a New Status