Bank Reconciliation Footer

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Once in Edit mode the following buttons are available (from left to right):



Click this once the bank account is ready to be reconciled. This button will be greyed out until the bank account is able to be reconciled.


Click this to enter bank fees and/or bank interest.


This will tick all entries as Reconciled.



This will untick all ticked reconciled entries.



Use this to transfer batched transactions to the Reconciled checkbox.



Use this to clear any batched transactions from the Batched column.



This will save a bank reconciliation – not reconcile it.



This will cancel a bank reconciliation session without saving any information.


Further information

Bank Reconciliation Screen

Bank Reconciliation Details Grid

Bank Reconcilation Header

Enter Initial Bank Reconciliation

Delete a Bank Reconciliation

Locate a Previous Bank Reconciliation

Make Entries Through Bank Reconciliation

Print a Bank Reconcilation Report

Reconcile a Bank Account

Adjust Transactions in Finalised Bank Reconciliation