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Select By


Not Reconciled

This is the default selection that the Bank Reconciliation opens to for starting a reconciliation.


This selection will show dropdown options to choose a completed bank reconciliation.







The bank account to be reconciled.

Last Reconciled Date

When clicking Reconciled, this will automatically be filled from the information in Jim2 from when this bank account was last reconciled.

Bank Statement

The ending date of this bank statement .

Show up to Statement Date

Unticked shows transactions that are after the bank statement date as well.

Statement Ref#

The reference number from the actual bank statement – this is a required field. If there is no reference number, enter Nil.

Statement Closing Bal

The balance on the actual bank statement.

Last Reconciled Bal

The last reconciled balance of this bank account.


The withdrawals minus deposits that have been ticked as Reconciled in this session.

Out of Balance

The difference between the calculated balance and the statement closing balance entered.


If there is a value in the Out Of Balance field the reconciliation cannot be performed.


Further information

Bank Reconciliation

Bank Reconciliation Screen

Bank Reconciliation Details Grid

Bank Reconciliation Footer


How to

Delete a Bank Reconciliation

Enter a Bank Reconciliation

Export a Report

Enter Initial Bank Reconciliation

Locate a Previous Bank Reconciliation

Make Entries Through Bank Reconciliation

Print a Bank Reconciliation Report

Reconcile a Bank Account