Bank Deposit Reports

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The Bank Deposit Slip report is available for printing at any time, regardless of whether any payments have been selected for banking. This is extremely useful when reconciling accounts and requiring the amounts to be banked.


On the ribbon, go to Accounts > Bank Deposits.

Choose a previously completed banking session by clicking the Banking # radio button, then choose the required session.


Print the banking slip (from the Report menu in the ribbon) once the banking session has been saved.




Jim2 is supplied with a standard bank deposit slip report suited to most businesses. Bank deposit slip reports can be designed via Jim2 Report Designer.




Once the banking session has been chosen, select the print option to use: either a bank deposit slip for a single entry, or for multiple entries.




Further information

Bank Deposits Screen

Branch Banking Sessions

Deposits into Unbanked Funds

Grouping/Sorting in Banking Sessions


How to

Access Banking

Add a Deposit

Cancel a Deposit

Create a Banking Session

Delete a Banking Session

Manage Unidentified Deposits

Refund from Unbanked Funds