Invoicing Authentication Security

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When using the Retail option in Jim2, the Fast Invoicing feature prompts invoice authentication security to ensure invoices are logged specifically to the user creating the invoice without the need for the user to log on to the workstation.


The authentication code is the user's initials(space bar)password (ie. sys password).



To enable fast invoicing on the ribbon, go to Tools > Options > Jobs > Invoice and tick Fast Invoicing.


fast invoicing


On the ribbon, go to Tools > Options > Other > Retail & EFTPOS and tick Invoice authentication required.




At the point of invoicing, any user will need to identify themselves with their user initials(space)password and press Enter before the sale is processed.


The following screen will appear for entry of the authentication code (user's initials(space bar)password (ie. sys password)).


authentication code


Further information

Cash Drawer Control

Cash Refunds

Cash Rounding

Invoice Name on Job

Quick Logon Mode


Receipt Printing Reports

Recording Debtor Payments

Retail Jobs

Retail Options

Till Setups