Master Meter Does Not Copy to all Children

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If you have a Master Meter type M, it will copy itself down to all children that have an item which contains that same meter type.


Consider the following meter setup on a master.




It may have a child that has an Item MFC2 that contains both black and colour meters.




Both meters would be automatically copied down to this child.



The master may also have another child that has an Item MFC1 that only contains a black meter.




Only the black meter would be copied down to this child.




The key for Master Meter type M meters is that copying down occurs automatically.


In some instances you may have a meter charge that only applies to a subset of children. This can be achieved in Jim2 in one of two ways.

1.Use a Master Meter type M. This will copy the meter down to all appropriate children. For the children that do not require the meter, you can edit and change their type to CO (Child Overridden) and disable the meter.



2.Use a Master Meter setup MP (Master Partial). This will not automatically copy the meter down to its children. For the children that require the charge, you can manually add either a C or CO type meter that uses the same stock code as the master.


Note: The normal behaviour of C and CO meters still applies. If you want the rates and card codes to be controlled by the master, select C on the child. If you want to have the child bill a different rate or different cardfile, then use the type CO and update the child accordingly.


In all other ways, MP meters behave like M meters. They can charge minimum volumes based on adding up the quantities charged on the children that have that stock code. Clawbacks work as normal. The only difference is there is no automatic creation of child meters


Further information

Standard Master Contract

Master with Multiple Children

Add or Remove a Child from a Master

Contract with Price Break Point

Master with Different Billing Periods

Master with Black A3, A4 Meters and Min Volume

Master with Multiple Children and Min Volume

Master with Multiple Children with Different Black Rate

Master or Standalone with Free Pages

Master or Standalone with Prepaid Pages

Third Party Contract Examples