Master with Multiple Children with Different Black Rate

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Consider a master contract with some black and some colour contracts. Most contracts share a common black and/or colour rate, but there are some contracts that charge a different rate. Master Meters can be used to manage the majority of contracts, but override any differences by unticking Master Meter on the child contract. Consider the simple example of a master with one black and one colour contract. The black contract's rate is considered the master meter rate, but the black rate on the colour contract is different. The colour contract's master meter value on the black meter can be unticked. This allows it to be different to the master.


Master meter setup is as follows:


multiple machines diff rate



By default, there will be no prompt enter opening balances when saving the Master. The current meter count can be entered for all meters via the Open Balance tab on the bottom of the form.


Colour child contract setup has a black rate of $0.015 per page:


diff colour child


The black contract uses the rate on the master:


black child same rate


Beginning at the first child contract below the master, entering reads of 37,000 for the black contract, and for the colour contracts a black read of 59,000 and colour of 15,000 produces the following jobs:


black same rate job

Black contract


diff bill rate

Colour contract


master diff rate

Master contract



If billing macros are being used, the description will appear as for the COUNTER.BLACK line. If not, the description will appear as for the COUNTER.COLOUR line.


Further information

Standard Master Contract

Master with Multiple Children

Add or Remove a Child from a Master

Contract with Price Break Point

Master with Different Billing Periods

Master with Black A3, A4 Meters and Min Volume

Master with Multiple Children and Min Volume

Master Meter does not copy to all children

Master or Standalone with Free Pages

Master or Standalone with Prepaid Pages

Third Party Contract Examples