Master Clawback All Unders Overs at Current Rate

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A master has two colour contracts with a minimum volume for both black and colour. All unders and overs are clawed back at the current rate (ABC). There is a minimum of 10,000 pages for black and 2,000 pages for colour.


master clawback


master clawback1


First contract has opening balances of 25,000 black and 10,000 colour, with reads received of 29,000 and 11,500. The second has opening balances of 50,000 black and 8,000 colour, with reads received of 53,000 and 9,000. Once jobs have been created for the two children and the master, they will appear as follows:



Contract 1



contract 2


clawback master



There were 3,000 unders pages for black. As there were colour overs, there are no amounts billed on the master, and the 500 overs are just tracked. The total for the master as a whole is 10,000 X 0.01 + 2,500 x 0.1 = $350.00 ex tax.


The following month, the first contract receives reads of 36,000 (7,000 pages) black and 12,300 (800 pages) colour. The second contract receives reads of 58,000 (5,000 pages) black and 9,400 (400 pages) colour. The following jobs are created:



Contract 1



Contract 2


clawback masterA



Some of the unders charged in the first month for the black meter are clawed back in the second month, and that all of the overs charged in the first month for colour are clawed back in the second month.


The total for the master as a whole is 12,000 X 0.01 + 2,000 X 0.1 = 320.00, less the 2,000 black overs, less the 500 colour overs. When reducing overs, we:

reduce overs,

reduce unders (if it is a master),

increase standard billing.




For black, add (-2,000 x 0.01 – 2,000 X 0.01 + 2,000 X 0.01) = -20.00


For colour, add (-500 X 0.1 – 500 X 0.1 + 500 X 0.1) = -50.00


Overall bill 320 20.00 – 50.00 = 250.00 ex tax.


How to

Set up a Master Contract

Set up Master with Clawback all Unders at Historical Rate

Set up Master with Clawback All Unders Overs at Current Rate

Set up Master with Clawback Open Unders and Overs at Current Rate

Set up Master with Clawback Open Unders at Current Rate

Set up Master with Meters with Different Periodicities

Set up Master with Multiple Black with A3 and A4 Meter and Min Volume

Set up Master with Multiple Child Contracts

Set up Master with Multiple Children and Minimum Volume

Set up Master with Multiple Children with Different Black Rate

Set up Master or Standalone with Free Pages

Set up Master or Standalone with Prepaid