Multi-Currency Calculated Exchange Rate

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At any point in time, the current balance of a foreign currency bank account is shown in both the nominated foreign currency and the home currency.


The relationship (calculated exchange rate) between the two balances is not dictated by spot rate, or affected by revaluation sessions. It is a calculated exchange rate.


This rate shows as the exchange rate against the currency bank balance in the Revaluation Session.






Because the value (balance) of the foreign currency bank accounts is affected by currency rate changes, it is good practice to revalue that balance periodically. The Revaluation Session will include each current foreign currency bank account balance only.


Whereas unpaid transactions such as creditor purchases will be revalued against the very specific exchange rate they were recorded at, foreign currency bank accounts will be revalued against their current calculated exchange rate.



Where a foreign currency bank balance goes below $0.00 balance, eg. the bank account is in overdraft, Jim2 will use the current spot exchange rate on that transaction.


Further information

Multicurrency Definitions

Multi-Currency Creditor/Debtor Lists

Multi-Currency Adjustments Up/Down

Multi-Currency Entering Cheques/Deposits

Multi-Currency Transferring Funds

Multi-Currency Invoicing

Multi-Currency Bank Reconciliation