Creditor/Debtor Lists

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Creditor (vendor) and debtor (customer) lists are the same under Multi-Currency with the exception that:

The amount owing/owed is shown in the home currency (AUD) and the foreign currency.

When an account has balances in more than one currency, it will show as a separate line in the list for each currency.



In both Creditors and Debtors, Jim2 treats outstanding invoices in differing currencies as individual debtors, and a separate statement will be produced for each currency.




creditor list mc



Some letters in the field names within the header are underlined, eg. Vend#. Using Alt+ the underlined letter will jump to the field beside that heading.


Group the debtor/Creditors list by currency using the drag column header function


drag mc list



If a debtor/Creditors list is run for all (including foreign currency), the total in the footer of the Total column may not make sense as it is the total of all currencies.


Create a debtor/Creditors list in a specific currency by selecting a currency code.


creditor list mc by currency



Applying a credit/prepayment can only be performed if the currency is Australian dollars, not a foreign currency. This is due to the potential realised gain/loss if the exchange rates are different.


Further information

Multi-Currency Definitions

Creditor/Debtor Lists

Adjustments Up/Down

Entering Cheques/Deposits

Transferring Funds

Invoicing and Multi-Currency

Calculated Exchange Rate

Bank Reconciliation