Related Stock

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This screen lists all related stock for the contract, as set up on the Item.


related stock




Auto Add

Auto Add specifies whether that stock will be automatically added to a job when that Item is used.


Note: If ticked (which is within the Item, rather than here), the stock will be added to every job that uses the Item, so it is better to leave it unticked.


The stock code of the related stock.

Stock Description

Description of the stock, as set up on the stock record.

Stock GL Group

The GL Group as set up on the stock record.

Price Calculation Method

The price calculation method as set up on the stock record.

Price Ex.

Stock price excluding GST.

Price Inc.

Stock price including GST.


Right click in the grid allows viewing or editing the stock on that line. Show All will show all lines of stock in this area. It is also possible to export the data from the grid to a spreadsheet, as well as print and copy options.


Further information

Active Job


Invoiced Job

Meter Trans

Meter Setup

Related Stock

Default Stock


Linked Contracts

Open balance
