Invoiced Job

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The Invoiced Job screen lists all invoices created for the contract.


Double click on any line, which will open the invoiced job.


invoiced job tab

Not all fields are showing in this image


To change the order of the columns, click the column header and drag to the new position in the layout. Then right click in the grid and select Save Layout.


save layout inv screen


Within this screen, right click and select Credit (Return from Customer).


There are further right click options, all self explanatory.


credit rfc


The fields are the same as Active Job tab, but have an extra column at the beginning:





This is ticked by Jim2 if there has been a return from customer. A greyed out field indicates a partial return. A solid tick indicates a full return.


The job number created.


Job type as set up in Tools > Setups > Job > Job Type.


The status of the job, ie. Booked, Finish.


The customer card code.

Cust Ref#

Any reference the customer has provided, or an internal reference.

Fault Description

Description as per the template being used. The job's fault description. For photocopier billing, the description comes from:

the contract's Default Stock tab, if a value is supplied or entered here, or

the global setting in Tools > Options > Contract > Contracts > Fault Desc.

For all other contract jobs, including other photocopier jobs, the fault description is specified on the contract template.

Date Out

The date out on the job. Once invoiced, this is the invoice date.


The Item on the job. This matches the Item for the contract.

Item Desc

The Item description on the job. For photocopier billing, this matches the Item description on the contract. For all other contracts, including jobs, the Item description is specified on the asset or contract template. By default, these templates also use the Item description from the contract as well.


For photocopier billing, this usually matches the serial number on the contract. For all other contract jobs, including photocopier jobs, the Item description is specified on the contract template. By default, these templates also use the serial number from the contract as well.

Date Due

The date that the job is due.

Time Due

The time that the job is due.


The person currently responsible for the job. For photocopier billing, this defaults to the contract's Name. If the contract does not specify a name, it falls back to the user who created the job.

Acc. Mgr

The account manager on the job.

Job Total Inc.

Total charge including GST.


If using Multi-Currency, the currency of the job.

Total (AUD)

The job total.

Job Total Ex

Total charge excluding GST.

Job Type

The job type as set up on the contract template. For meter billing jobs, this is the job type specified in Tools > Options > Contract > Contracts > Default Billing Meter Job Type.


The invoice number for this job.


This usually matches the priority set on the contract.


Quote number, if a quote was produced prior to the job.

Price Level

The price level as set up on the customer cardfile.

Tax Paid

T = including tax, F = excluding tax.

Tax Content

The amount of tax being charged.


T or F, depending on whether a quote has been raised.


An internal reference.

Status Date

The job status date.

Status Time

The time the job status is changed.

Date In

Date the job was created.


Total labour recorded on the job, in minutes.


Previous job number (if applicable).


The customer cardfile.


The ship cardfile, if different to the customer cardfile.

Invoice Description

As set up in Tools > Options > Contract > Managed Print Services. Maximum of 8,000 characters.

Branch/SubBranch/GL Dept

These fields will be populated by Jim2, if branches are being used. They can be changed by using the dropdown menus.


Further information

Active Job


Invoiced Job

Meter Trans

Meter Setup

Related Stock


Default Stock


Linked Contracts

Open balance
