Stocktake Best Practice

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The smallest stocktake is one stock code. This stock code can be depleting or special type.


The largest stocktake is based on stock location (Tools > Setups > Stock Locations). If you have many locations, there may need to be many stocktakes. Stock should be physically separated (ie something physically separates one location from another).


Stocktakes sessions can utilise filtering, ie, use Report or Non Report or Brand Groups, or GL Groups, to select the relevant codes. Many stocktake sessions can be run at once, however, when a stocktake session is commenced, all stock in that session is locked to prevent any transactions that may impact on the count.



Note: This is based on that session, so only stock in the applicable stock location will be locked. There are some Tools – Options that influence the properties of a stocktake count. These include:


stocktake options1


Branches are not to be confused with locations, as they have no bearing on stocktake – only locations do.


The three stocktake methods are List Mode (entered from a count sheet), Scan & Count (scan a barcode into Jim2, then enter a count quantity) and Auto Scan (scan everything). All entries must be made into the Jim2 Stocktake Session directly. Different sessions can use different methods.


Stocktake sessions should never include stock supplied in advance. These stock codes need to be backfilled prior to counting.


Stocktake sessions should never include negative quantity stock. This should be rectified before commencing the stocktake session.


Stocktake sessions are only used to provide a count of stock – the sessions themselves do not alter the stock quantities. Once a stocktake session is moved to FINISH status, a stock adjustment is created (if there are discrepancies) and the stock adjustment must be moved to FINISH status for the quantity changes (and resulting expenses).



Note: Stock adjustments for stock that is lost (Qty -) can only be moved to FINISH status if the relevant Purchase Orders are on FINISH status. For this reason, please ensure that purchase orders that should finished are moved to FINISH status prior to completing the stocktake session.


Further information

Stocktake Best Practice

Stocktake Options

Stocktake Methodology

Stocktake Security

Stocktake Preparation and Rules

Stocktake Session

Stocktake Count Modes


How to

Create a Session

Add Count

Confirm Count

Edit Count

Print Count List

Confirming and Finishing your Stocktake

Delete and Re-enter Stocktake Counts