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Navigation: Jim2 Functions > Banking > Cheque Book

Edit Cheques and Deposits

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When you add a cheque or deposit on the status of Booked, you can edit any of the details as this cheque or deposit has not yet entered the general ledger transactions (until marked as Finish).


To Edit a Cheque or Deposit

1.Run the cheque book list – using the filters locate the cheque/deposit you need to edit. You can open the cheque in one of two ways – either double click on the cheque/deposit within the list, or use Edit/View at the bottom of the form.

2.Edit the details you require to be changed.

3.You can leave this cheque or deposit on the status of Booked if it is not yet finished, or change the status to Finish to update your general ledger transactions with this cheque/deposit.


Further information: