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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

When creating a rule that uses a regular expression (RegEx) you are able to review and test the expression.


To do this, select the ellipsis [...] when entering a RegEx.


reg expressions test


This will bring up the test tool.




To use, enter your RegEx at the top (if you haven't typed it already in the previous step), then paste or enter the text of the email that you want to check.


If the expression works you will see the result displayed in the results section at the bottom. When you are satisfied with the results, clicking OK will insert the RegEx into the rule for you.



The general Regex for a wildcard is .*



RegEx hints are available by selecting the drop-down options on the RegEx input.


regex choices


For further information on Regular Expressions you can refer to these websites: (copy and paste into a web browser). (copy and paste into a web browser).


Further information: