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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

If this stock code is for a static or dynamic kit or for a package, there will be an extra tab in the header, details of which are shown in the two images below.


The Kitting Tab

kitting tab


The Packaging Tab

packaging tab


Kitting/Packaging fields explained:





Stock grid


This is the price list category, eg. Wholesale, Retail, etc.

Stock Code

The stock code of this particular stock in the Kit or Package.


The description of this particular stock.


The unit type for this particular stock (BOX, CASE, UNIT, etc.).


How many of this particular stock is in the Kit or Package.

Price TF

The price of this particular stock, excluding tax.

Price TP

The price of this particular stock, including tax.


The tax used for this stock code, typically 10% (GST).

Use Price

Tick to use this price.


Tick once to hide the description and price on the invoice. Tick again to hide only the price on the invoice. Can be changed later, on the quote and/or job.


The total price of this particular stock, including tax.


Sub Total $

The total price of all the stock in this Kit or Package, not including any tax.

Tax $

The total of the tax for all of the stock in this Kit or Package.

Total $

The total price of the stock in this Kit or Package, including tax.

add category button

Add Category

Only used for Dynamic Kits. Click to add a category header for the stock codes in the kit (optional). More than one category can be added.


Further information:

Stock Tab

Details Tab

Locations Tab

Attributes Tab

Descriptions Tab