Jim2 Management contains powerful tools which can provide up to date and easily configurable information about how your business is going. This information can be broken down by branch, sub-branch, GL department etc., and you can do comparisons over multiple databases.
It boasts many useful reports that can be exported into a number of different formats if needed, and report designer allows for you to write your own reports, if desired.
▪Archive file
▪Text file
▪Report Emulation Text file
▪PDF file
▪Bitmap file
▪JPEG file
▪GIF file
▪PNG file
▪PDF/A file
▪RTF file
▪Word (doc) file
▪Word (doc) form file
▪XLS data File
▪XLS report file
▪Xlsx data file
▪Xlsx report file
▪HTML file
Jim2 also offers up-to-the-minute balance sheets and profit & loss statements, as well as budgets to track and measure your progress.
You can get to Management by selecting the Management tab located in the ribbon, or by selecting Management in the Nav Tree on the left-hand side of the screen.
Right Click Options in the Nav Tree
After the top 3 (which are self explanatory), these options mirror what is in the ribbon in the Accounts tab, except for the last tab, which will reset all tabs to default.
Further information: