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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

If you are using Office 365 for Email, please refer to Office 365 with Jim2 Email.


Prior to setting up email, you must ensure you have added a Jes instance (and started it) to ensure you will be able to send and receive emails.


On the ribbon, go to Tools > Options > Other > Email.


Options email


Email options set the default global options for emails in Jim2. Generally, the email send and receive information will be provided by your network administrator or IT consultant.




Enable Receive Email

For Jim2 to receive incoming emails, this option must be ticked.

Poll Every

This is how often (in minutes) email accounts will be checked for new email.

Email Send

For Jim2 to send outgoing emails this option must be ticked.


After restoring your database from a backup, Jim2 automatically disables incoming and outgoing emails. This is a preventative measure to stop the accidental re-sending of emails from a database that has been restored for training, or other purposes. Once the database is restored, return to this screen and tick Enable for both receive and send.


It's also important to only have one database sending and receiving email, ie. don't enable email for your Training database.

Max Emails per Minute

You can throttle the email sending rate here (zero means no limit). If you throttle the email send rate, Jim2 will prioritise interactive emails over batch emails. Whilst it can potentially take a long time to send all your batch emails (eg. statements), ad hoc emails sent by users won't have to wait for these to finish before they are sent. If you send batch emails regularly, it's a good idea to throttle the email rate to between 20 and 25 per minute.



If you intend to send bulk emails, we suggest you enter 25 here to ensure your emails do not appear as spam.

Default SMTP Server

This is the name of the default SMTP mail server via which Jim2 should relay outgoing email. This setting is not necessarily required. If it is not set, an SMTP server must be set for each individual email account from which email is to be sent.



SMTP, SSL and STARTTLS authentication are included in the default SMTP options.


The TCP port on which to connect to the SMTP server. Normally this should be left blank.


It is recommended to leave these fields blank.

Email Fonts Options

Here is where you set the default fonts you wish to use in your emails, including email templates.



The default font to use when writing email in HTML format. Click HTML Font to open the font selection screen.


email html fonts

Plain Text Font

The default font to use when writing email in plain text format. Click Plain Text Font to open the font selection screen. Note that this font is purely for editing and reading plain text emails and has no effect on the content of the actual email sent.



The actual processing of email is managed by the Jim2 eBusiness Server (Jes) process.


Further information:


Email Setup

How to

Add a Jes Instance

Set up Email Account

Set up Email Tags

Set up Email Folders

Set up Email Rules

Set up Email Security