Create a Stock GL Group
Create a Stock GL Group using the relevant GL Account. In this example we have used Misc. Income.
On the ribbon go to Tools > Setups > Accounting > Stock GL Groups, then click Add.
Stock Type: Non-Depleting, Journal
Stock GL Group: Enter the name of the Stock GL Group
COGS GL Acc: Select the Misc Income GL Account
Income GL Acc: Select the Misc Income GL Account
Click Save.
Select Yes to the below warning message.
Create a Stock Code
Create the Journal stock.
On the ribbon, go to Stock > Add Stock.
Code: Enter MISC.INCOME or similar
Type: Journal Stock
GL Group: Select the Misc. Income Stock GL Group created earlier
Desc: Enter 'Miscellaneous Income'
Click Save.
Enter a Job
Create a job and use the MISC.INCOME stock code. This will journal directly to the Misc Income GL Account.
The above process can be used with any GL Account.
Further Information