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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

Navigation: Jim2 Functions > Stock > Packaging

Unpackage a Package

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There may be an occasion when you need to sell a component from a packaged stock, for example, if you do not have any separate stock on hand and a customer needs this item NOW. We allow you to unpackage, either an entire packaging session, or just one package from a packaging session.


view pack session


Open the packaging session containing the package(s) that you want to unpack, and select the package. Click Unpack at the bottom left of the screen.




You must choose to Unpack Current (the selected package) or Unpack All. You will then see the confirmation message, so click Yes to unpack.


unpack query


Further information:

Add Package Stock


Packaging Tab

Package a Package

Return a Package

Sell Packages

Stock Packaging

Transfer Packages