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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

The stock measure grid allows you to define the quantities you consider this stock is held in. This allows for stock that can be described as pack or carton, for instance. By identifying how many units make up a quantity measure, you can still sell partial measures without affecting stock control.




You should never change the unit measure on stock records when there is stock on hand, (most especially the base unit measure) as this will alter stock on hand quantities and values as well as the buy and sell pricing.


Defaults to UNIT, but you can enter another type here, ie. BOX, BAG. If you buy in bulk and sell individually (ie. box of 10, then sell 1 at a time), you can set Measure Unit 1 to UNIT and Quantity of 1, then set Measure Unit 2 to BOX and Quantity to 1.000.



Note: Measure Unit 1 is always the smallest.


Example: Buy in rolls of 200 metres, sell in metre lengths.


Measure Unit 1 is MTR Quantity is 1

Measure Unit 2 is ROLL Quantity is 200


I buy in is ROLL

I sell in is MTR


buy and sell


A barcode can be entered, or auto-generated by clicking barcode image.


The three fields required here are:



This is the stock measure used, such as unit, packet, box or pallet.


Note: Whilst you can choose from the drop-down list, you can also enter something entirely different if you need to.


Enter the actual number of stock units in the measure 1, 6, 24, etc.

Unit Description

This description will be shown in front of this unit description. Use this unit description to describe the unit measure, not the actual stock.


For example : Keyboards – purchases of a Box of 10.






Unit Description

Box of 10 – (will show in jobs, etc. with the description as) Keyboards – Box of 10


When the stock records are in view mode, the pricing will be displayed based on your Selling unit measure.


Further information: