Electronic Payments General Ledger Setup

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In the general ledger, add the bank account information to any bank accounts to be included in electronic banking sessions by editing the account and clicking Bank Info.


Electronic Payments also support the New Zealand bank file format. Selection of the New Zealand bank file format is bank account specific, and is set by editing the bank account via Accounts > General Ledger, clicking Bank Info, and selecting the correct NZ format as the bank file format.


The BSB Number is not required for the NZDirect format. Jim2 CardFiles also support the NZ bank account number format (00 0000 0000000 000, or 00-0000-0000000-000).





Most fields are self explanatory, however you will need to contact the bank to obtain the User ID/APCA Number and Bank File Format type.


If the bank doesn't require use of a specific number, please enter six zeroes, as the ID/APCA fields must be filled in. See Electronic Payments General Ledger Setup for more information on the above Bank Info screen.



Note: Ensure that Detail Cheque Account (Postable) is ticked.




Required fields:

1.Bank code – three-character bank identifier (CBA, ANZ, NAB, WBC etc.), and Bank Name.

2.Actual BSB and bank account numbers and name.

3.Company Name – The company name is important, as part of this is used in the payment reference that is generated when a payment is entered (and also appears on the recipient's bank statement). This is the only way the payment reference is generated. The first 15 characters of the company name, plus an internal Jim2 payment reference number are used to auto-generate the payment reference.

4.User ID/APCA Numbers – six-digit number to identify the sender. These should be obtained from the bank. Most banks use the same number across all users, but some may still require a unique number. If the bank doesn't require use of specific numbers, enter six zeroes, as these fields must be filled in.

5.Whether you should supply a balancing or non-balancing file.



Lodgement reference numbers can be included when sending creditors ABA files. These numbers assist in identifying your payment to the vendor, as well as identifying the payment within your bank reconciliation.




Remittance advices cannot be instigated from the ABA file. It is advised that remittance advices are always sent when processing creditor payments, and perhaps create a specific email template to advise them of the likely reference that will appear on their bank statement.


The Bank File Format has these choices:


ABA (Self-Balancing)


Check with the bank which choice to make here. Self-Balancing means that the bank requires an extra line in the file to represent the total debit from the account.

NZ Direct – for use in New Zealand






Further information

Electronic Payments (ABA Files)

Electronic Payments Security

Electronic Payments CardFile Setup

Create an Electronic Payments Session