Electronic Payments (ABA Files)

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Use Electronic Payments to export from Jim2 and import an ABA file or NZ BANKING FILE into an online banking program .



Note: Electronic Payments does not support foreign bank accounts. If you are paying an overseas bank, this will need to be performed manually.


You can pay creditors, or add a cheque via the cheque book, using Electronic Payments. At the end of the day, simply create a bank file and export the file from Jim2 to be imported and processed via the online banking program.


What is required for an ABA file from your banking institution:

1.Bank code – three-character bank identifier (CBA, ANZ, NAB, WBC etc.), and Bank Name.

2.Actual BSB and bank account numbers and name.

3.User ID/APCA Numbers – six-digit number to identify the sender. Most banks use the same number across all users, but some may still require a unique number.

4.Whether you should supply a balancing or non-balancing file.


Please check with your bank to obtain this information.


Lodgement reference numbers can be included when sending debtors/creditors ABA files.





Remittance advices cannot be instigated from the ABA file. At the point of making individual payments via Creditors, you can send a remittance advice indicating which invoices are being paid, otherwise you can run a cheque book list filtered by payment type ABA to send out in bulk.


To make use of Electronic Payments, some changes need to be made to the existing setup in Jim2. Please follow the links below for information on setting up and using Electronic Payments.




Sorting, searching and grouping are available as per other lists in Jim2. Select the column header in the grid, then drag it to the Group By area to group.




Right click and select Show Find Panel where search criteria can be entered.




When selecting Not Exported Creditors, the account will use the Bank Deposits Defaults general ledger account as set in Tools > Banking > Options.



Printing of customer receipts can be forced on receipt printers for EFTPOS.


Further information

Electronic Payments Security

Electronic Payments Setup

Electronic Payments General Ledger Setup

Electronic Payments CardFile Setup

Create an Electronic Payments Session