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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

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Jim2 System Reports

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This list may be incomplete, as new reports may have been added since the Help File was last updated.



You can obtain the full list of system reports via Management > Reports > System and selecting Reports.







Jim2 About


Account inquiry

Account inquiry

Account inquiry – Detailed

Account inquiry – Range


Bank Deposits

Bank Deposit Slip

Bank Deposit Slip (Cash Detailed)

Deposit Slip  - with acc info


Bank Reconciliation

Bank Reconciliation


Business Analysis

Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet – Classic

Balance Sheet – Columns


Profit and Loss

Profit and Loss – Classic

Profit and Loss – Columns

Profit and Loss – Multicolumn




CardFile Ship Label



CardFile List

CardFile List

CardFile List (Del Add)

CardFile List – Inactive Customers

CardFile List Contact Details

CardFile List Contact Export

CardFile List Export (XML)

CardFile List Export (XML, CSV)        

CardFile List Monthly Sales

Email from CardFile List

Mailing Label

Mailing Label Avery L7163

Mailing Label Avery L7163 (uppercase)


Cheque Book


Cheque 2 x remittance

Cheque Book

Cheque Remittance from List




Cheque Remittance

Credit Allocation

Creditors Reconciliation

EFT Remittance

Transaction History


Creditor List

Aged Payables Detailed

Aged Payables Summary



Invoice Debtor

Payment Receipt

Payment Receipt 80mm


Transaction History


Debtors List

Aged Receivable Detailed

Aged Receivable Summary







General Ledger

Chart of Accounts – Detailed

Chart of Accounts – Opening Balance

Chart of Accounts – Summary

Trial Balance


GST Session

GST Detailed

GST Calculation Worksheet

GST Summary

GST Calculation Worksheet NZ

GST Calculation Worksheet SA



Invoice Ship Label



InvoiceMeters – Master

InvoiceMeters – Master (Landscape)

InvoiceMeters – Master (Landscape) + Spreadsheet

InvoiceMeters – Master Detailed

InvoiceMeters – Master Detailed (Landscape)

InvoiceMeters – Master Detailed (Landscape) + Spreadsheet

InvoiceRetail 76mm (text)

InvoiceRetail 80mm


InvoiceSale (Landscape)

InvoiceSale (using Quote Stock)


InvoiceSaleSimple (Landscape)

InvoiceSale Summ

InvoiceSaleSumm (Landscape)



InvoiceServiceSale (Landscape)

InvoiceServiceSale w/comments


InvoiceServiceSaleSumm (Landscape)


x – Invoice From List (Multi)


Sales Register

Sales Register

Ship Label

x – Invoice From List (Multi)



Manufacturing Requirements


Items list

Items list

Items list – Stock in Item


Dispatch List




A Picking Slip

A Picking Slip (Landscape)

Delivery Note

Delivery Note (Landscape)

Delivery Note with Location


Job (Landscape)

Job – Picking Slip

Job Collect

Job Labour

Job NoComment

Job NoComment (Landscape)

Job Profit

Job Receipt

Job Sticker (Default)

Job – OnSiteSlip

Job – OnSiteSlip (Machine)
Manufacturing Job

Order Acknowledgement

Proforma Invoice

Proforma Invoice (Landscape)

Ship Label

Sign Delivery Note


Job List

Email from Job List


Job List – Back order

Job List – By Customer

Job List – CardFile Export (XML, CSV)

Job List – Customer By Status

Job List – Email List

Job List – Fault Desc

Job List – Inv Desc

Job List – Job Labour Analysis

Job List – Job Profit

Job List – Job Profit by Job

Job List – Job Profit by Stock

Job List – Machine Response Times

Job List – Parts Spent

Job List – Picking Slip

Job List – Required Stock for Jobs

Job List – Stock On Back order

Job Ticked Comm Only

Job Total By Customer

Job Total By Item

Job Total By Name

Job Total By Type

Proforma Invoice

Stock Sold By Customer and Stock Type

Stock Sold by Name and Stock Type

Stock Sold By Stock Type



Return From Customer

Return From Customer (All Stock)

Return From Customer Total


RFC List

RFC List

RFC List by Customer





Multi-Currency Revaluation

Mulitcurrency Revaluation



Managed Services

Project Service History



Project – Meters Jobs Details

Project – Page Request Form

Project – Page Request Form (No Last Meter Read)

Project Service History

Project Service History – Detailed


Project List

Project List – Action Templates

Project List – Card File Export

Project List - Convert Old Style to New Style Projects

Project List – Cost Per Copy

Project List – E-Meter Read Setup

Project List – eBusiness Transactions

Project List – Email from Project List

Project List - Meter Charges Report

Project List – Meter Listing

Project List – Meter Profit

Project List – Meter Reading Report

Project List – Meters Jobs Details

Project List – Page Request Form

Project List – Page Request Form (No Last Meter Read)

Project List – Page Request Test

Project List – Project

Project List – Project Detailed

Project List – Project Profit

Project List – Service History by Month




Project Action Templates

Project Detailed

Project Profit

Project Sticker


Debtors Purchase Order


Expense Comment

Expense Order

Expense Receipt

Purchase Order

Purchase Order (Internal Copy)

Purchase Order (Summary)

Purchase Order (with Pricing)

Purchase Order – Packing Slip

Purchase Order Price Stickers with Serials

Stock Receipt


Purchase List

Purchase order List – By Vendor



Picking Slip – RTV

Return to vendor


RTV List

RTV List




Quote (BPAY)

Quote (Landscape)

Quote Internal

Quote No Recommend

Quote No Total

Quote Summary


Quote List

Email From quote list

Quotes List

Quotes List – Detailed




Creditors Payments

Debtors Payments

Expense Orders Pending


Advanced Warehouse

Stock on Floor

Warehouse Bin Setup


GST Reports

Not used (see GST Sessions)


Job Reports

Labour Daily


My Reports

Customers On Credit Hold


Stock Reports

Min Qty Stock

Stock in Advance Liability

Stock Reorder

Stock System Report

Stock Valuation By COGS

Stock Valuation By Cost

Stock Value by GL Account

Stock Value By GL Group

Stock Value by GL Group As Of Estimate

Stock Value by Qty on Hand Estimate


Stock Profit

Stock Profit – Detail

Stock Profit By Account Manager

Stock Profit By Account Manager and Job

Stock Profit By Customer

Stock Profit By Customer & Report Level

Stock Profit By From

Stock Profit By GL Group

Stock Profit By Item

Stock Profit By Name

Stock Profit By Ship

Stock Profit By Stock


Stock Profit – Summary

Stock Profit By Account Manager and Job Summary

Stock Profit By Account Manager Summary

Stock Profit By Customer & Report Level Summary

Stock Profit Customer Summary

Stock Profit By From Summary

Stock Profit By GL Group Summary

Stock Profit By Item Summary

Stock Profit By Name Summary

Stock Profit By Ship Summary

Stock Profit By Stock Summary



Blank Barcode

Bulk Document to Stock List

DB Statistics

Import CardFile

Import Stock

Open Balance Creditors

Open Balance Debtors

Recently Updated Objects


RTV data integrity check


Slow Running Queries

Stock Test

Update DB Stats

Update StatusTimes


Top x

Top x Customer of Card Group

Top x Customer of Parent Card

Top x Customers

Top x Customers by Ship

Top x Customers w/Previous Year History

Top x Stock

Top x Vendors






Daily View

Details View

Monthly View

Weekly View

Yearly View






GL Departments

Job Setup

Payment Terms

Payment Types

Price Levels

Stock Attributes

Stock Bins

Stock GL Groups

Stock Location


Tax Codes





Stock Packaging




Stock Activity

Stock Activity No Serial

Stock On Hand

Stock Price Sticker (Default)

Stock Record

Stock References

Stock Stats

Stock Stats Value

Stock Adjustment



Stock List

Stock Activity List

Stock Activity List With Pricing

Stock Aging

Stock Default Bins

Stock List

Stock List – 12 Month Sales

Stock List – Export

Stock List – Price Protection

Stock List – Unit Sales Over 12 months

Stock List – Stock Yield List

Stock List Consignment Required

Stock Lists Kits

Stock List Monthly Sales

Stock List Shelf Talker No Price

Stock List Shelf Talker PL1

Stock List with GL Groups

Stock Movement

Stock Movement Adjustments

Stock On Hand

Stock Prices

Stock Prices Compact

Stock Prices Internal

Stock References

Stock Stats In List

Stock Stats in List Value



Stocktake Count List

Stocktake Session


Stock Transfer

Pack Slip – Stock Transfer

Picking Slip – Stock Transfer

Stock Transfer

Stock Transfer (Landscape)


Stock Transfer List

Stock Transfer List



Stocktake Count List

Stocktake Count List (AdvWH)

Stocktake Session




Job Summary


Till Reconciliation

Till Reconciliation


Tracking Reports

Report Tracker Default


Transaction Journal

General Journal Entry

General Journal Entry

General Journal Entry – Detailed


Transaction Journal List

General Journal Entry

General Journal Entry – DetailedTransaction Journal

Transaction Journal (Branch, SBranch, GLDep)

Transaction Journal SBranch, GLDep)