Throughout Jim2 different coloured text and backgrounds are used in various fields. Below is an explanation of these colours:
All station level options are coloured blue, whilst global options are coloured black. In the image below, Fast Invoicing is station level. However, in this instance Global for all stations is blue until ticked, then it changes to black.
In the list header, double clicking on the wording at the beginning of the Group field will turn the field green to indicate that group selection is inverted. For example, select stock that is not in these groups.
Active lists are coloured blue. Published lists are underlined and coloured blue.
This does not apply to all lists, ie. Email and Documents.
Account Inquiry colours
Transactions that are coloured blue mean the transaction and document date are different. The document date is the date the transaction impacted on the general ledger accounts, whereas the transaction date is the date the transaction was actually entered.
Transactions that are coloured red mean those transactions are reconciled.
Transactions that are coloured black mean those transactions have not yet been reconciled.
Transaction Journal colours
If the background of the transaction is in a light blue colour, this means that the transaction date does not match the document date. If any of the transaction lines are red, this means that particular line of the transaction has been reconciled.
Debtors/Creditors List colours
Total in Creditors List that is coloured green indicates there are unallocated credits. Amounts coloured red indicate they are overdue.
Creditors colours
Date field in Follow Up is coloured red to indicate that the follow up date has passed.
Amount Overdue will be coloured red when an amount is owing.
Date Due coloured red indicates that the due date has already passed.
Debtors colours
Date field in Follow Up is coloured red to indicate that the follow up date has passed.
Amount Overdue will be coloured red when an amount is owing.
Date Due coloured red indicates that the due date has already passed.
GST Session colours
Entries coloured red and blue indicate that the transaction is dated outside the selected date range, whilst black transactions are within that range.
Red text has two meanings.
▪When Show Processed is ticked it will mean these have been processed.
▪When Show Ignored is ticked it will mean these have been ignored.
Green background means Jim2 has found a match against the transaction.
White background means no cardfile found.
Blue background in Matched Transactions means that Jim2 has auto-matched the transaction. You will still need to confirm these matches are correct.
Job list text colours
Job is either still in progress or has been finished but not set to Ready.
Job has been finished and set to Ready, waiting to be invoiced.
Job has been finished and invoiced.
Job list background colours
Stock is on back order.
Customer is either on credit hold or payment is overdue.
Full row
Based on status rules, the job has been on the same status for too long.
The row will change to orange after the period of time set here.
Job and purchase stock grid price background colours
Note: The yellow background in Status indicates there are choices to be made there.
Hover over the coloured fields and Jim2 will pop up an explanation of the colour meaning:
Within the header field of a job, if the Cust# field is pale red, this means that the customer is on credit hold.
When adding a job, a warning will pop up and the Cust# field will turn pale red. If the customer is placed on credit hold after jobs have been created, the field will change colour, however no warning will pop up.
Price columns
Price level is being used (ie. Price Level 1).
Contract price level.
Customer-specific price level.
Manual/overridden price level.
Promotional pricing level.
Minimum sale price level.
This is a kit.
Pale Blue
Linked to a purchase order. See Stock Code below – can also be background for special stock.
Stock is back ordered.
Different price level to that selected in the header.
Dark Pink
Sell price is based on the Contract (Project) Price Level.
Light Grey
If stock is reserved at a line level, the line will turn light grey. If the whole job is reserved, the entire stock grid will turn light grey.
Job text colours in advanced warehouse management
Stock Code
This indicates the stock being sold is special stock. It will show the stock code in red and the background of the line in light blue.
B.Ord Column
If the supply quantity does not equal the ordered quantity, figures will be displayed in red.
Supply Column
100% availability.
Indicates the quantity entered can be supplied.
Indicates less than 100% availability
Indicates that more information is required, ie. users need to click on the ellipsis [...] at the left of the Description field and select (or add) the serial number or attribute(s) relating to that stock.
Total $ Amount in Footer of Job or Purchase
The total in the footer will show the actual total based on quantity supplied. Click Total and it will change to green, which will change the total amount to match the quantity ordered.
Balance due amount in red indicates that the amount has not been paid.
Project list colours
Within the State and Next Billed fields, text coloured red means that an action is required on that project, ie. a billing job needs to be generated, etc.
Once billing has been performed, the text will revert to black, ready for the next billing due cycle.
Request Sent text is green to indicate that the request has been sent, otherwise the field will be blank.
Project template colours
The value is set at the template level.
The value is being inherited from either the project or a higher-level template association.
The value is coming from the default on the cardfile.
The value is coming from a default source, such as stock code, Item code or logged on user.
There is no value, and the job will have no value when created.
Purchase/expense order list colours
This indicates the purchase order is linked to a back order on a job that has created the purchase order.
The purchase order is finished.
The purchase order is still in a current state.
Indicates the purchase order is on received and waiting for vendor invoice.
Purchase order stock grid colours are the same as job stock grid colours.
Note: When auto creating a purchase order, the Supplier and Price Ex. fields may have an orange background colour. This represents a manual cost and vendor override, either manually at job level or via a promotion.
Stock colours
PO Date coloured red in the Stats tab on stock indicates that the purchase order is on Received.
On the Buying tab the date in the Received column is coloured red to indicate that the purchase order is on Received. When Booked or Ordered there will be no date, however the words Booked or Ordered will be coloured green.
Stock procurement colours
When the Qty text colour is red in procurement, this means that more than what is required has been ordered based on the procurement setup.
General information
Within most Jim2 objects, hovering over the Cust#, From#, Ship#, Card Code and other fields within the header will change to a hyperlink and change the colour from black to blue with an underline, showing that it is a hyperlink. Wording with an underlined letter signifies that it is a hyperlink.
Further information
Navigating Jim2 Help
Technical Requirements
Jim2 Methodology
Feature Options
Jim2 Software Setup
Install Jim2 on the Server
Logging On
Multi-Factor Authentication
Run Multiple Sessions of Jim2
Best Backup Practices
Managing Database Size
Upgrading Jim2
Upgrade Database
Jim2 System Reports
Jim2 User Interface
Strict Workflow
Function & Hotkeys