Purchases and Expenses

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How purchases/expenses function within the company's work process and the interaction of other objects in managing the information within a purchase/expense.



Note: The Intercompany Purchase icon is only used if licensed to use Multi-Company.


The purchase, stock, cardfile and job objects interact to ensure stock control is maintained, and issues of supplier responsibility and stock warranty are addressed.


A purchase uses an interaction of default information and calculations from global, workstation and user defaults, and the cardfile, stock and user input to record a method of purchasing stock or expenses from vendors. As with all Jim2 objects, the purchase order is defined in terms of workflow by a series of predefined status and system defaults.


A purchase order relates to the purchasing of stock used in jobs. Purchase orders are raised against vendors if stock records show a minimum requirement count has been reached, or a job status signals the need to order.


Expense orders relate to normal business expenses (consumables etc.) and the expenses attached to the cost of stock within a purchase which are not known at the time of receiving the stock, or for standard office expenses. Expense orders are raised against vendors and can be allocated to purchase orders to alter the cost of the stock within the purchase order and stock records.


A debtors purchase order is to be used for stock that is being returned from a customer when it was not originally sold through Jim2. This type of purchase order will create a transaction and will also update the debtors record.


An opening balance purchase order is used to enter opening balance stock quantities and dollar values to be placed into stock records and general ledger accounts. This type of purchase order does not create a transaction, but is automatically added to the opening balance fields of the related Stock GLassets and cost of goods accounts. Opening balance figures are the balanced proof that transactions from the old system moved into Jim2. Other than making or receiving payments against opening balance creditor/debtor amounts, it is advisable to not make any other changes to opening balances without consultation with Happen staff (email support@happen.biz).


Opening balance purchases are quite literally one-sided transactions in a double-sided transaction world. When trying to reverse or change them using a double-sided solution (RTV, stock adjust etc.) it creates a problem.


A Consign. In purchase order allows receiving of consignment stock from suppliers.


A Consign. Buy purchase order allows purchasing of stock received on consignment, regardless of whether it has been sold or transferred.


Applying an expense order ensures that the stock cost (cost of goods) held within the purchase order and stock record are correct, including any extras not known at the time of placing or receiving the order.



Journal stock is ignored when applying expenses.



In an effort to avoid the entry of duplicate vendor invoices, Jim2 will pop a warning to screen when saving a purchase order if there is an existing purchase from the same vendor with the same vendor invoice number.


Further information

Purchases Security

Expenses at a Glance

Purchases at a Glance

Debtors Purchase Orders

Expenses Tab on PO's

How Does Cost of Goods work

How PO Status Affects the GL

Purchase/Expense Comment Grid

Purchase/Expense Order Footer

Purchase/Expense Order Header

Purchases/Expenses Status

Purchase/Expense Preview Pane        

Purchase/Expense List Header

Purchase/Expense Order List

Purchase/Expense Order Reports

Purchase Order Stock Grid

Manufacturing Purchase Orders

Opening Balance Purchase Order


How to

Add a Document to a Purchase/Expense Order

Add a Negative Expense Order

Add a Purchase Order

Add an Amount to a PO when Finished at $0

Add an Expense Order

Add Comments to a Purchase Order

Add Freight to a Purchase Order

Add Purchase Back order

Add Stock to a Purchase Order

Add Vendor Discount

Auto Create a Purchase Order

Create a PO from a Similar or Previous PO

Create a PO Template

Create a purchase order list

Credit Freight

Employee Reimbursements

Enter Serial Numbers

Expense Order Stock Grid



Fix Incorrect Pricing after PO on Finished Status

Link Expenses to a Purchase Order

Link a Job to a Purchase Order

Print a Purchase/Expense Order

Progress Payments on Purchase Orders

Purchase an Asset Under Finance

Purchase Consignment Stock

Receive Consignment Stock

Receive Stock

Record One Invoice number on Multiple Purchase Orders

Record Overseas Purchases, GST and Import Costs

Return to Vendor

Round up Supplier Invoices

Scan Stock into Purchase Orders

Staff Purchases

Unprint Purchase/Expense

Vendor Price Breaks

View or Edit a Purchase/Expense