Add Comments to a Purchase/Expense Order

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purchase comments


1.Enter the Comment grid by either:

Using the F3 function key, or

Clicking in the Comment field.

2.Enter any comment in the Comment field – this is a multi-line text field with word wrap (limited to 8,000 characters).


It is not necessary to be in Edit mode to add a comment. Right click in the Comment field and select Add New. This also applies to finished jobs. Comments can be added at any time to the Comment grid by moving to the top comment in the grid and pressing the Insert key on the keyboard. Such comments need not necessarily have a status, but are automatically stamped with the date, time and initials. These automatic values can be changed at any time by choosing from the dropdown list to the right of the Date and Initials fields.        


The comments can be reordered in the grid, but only from newest to oldest, by selecting the up or down arrow on the top left-hand corner of the Comment grid.



A number of functions are available when right clicking within the stock grid. For more information see the Purchase/Expense Comment grid section.



By default, only the creation date of a comment is shown, but the associated time can be viewed by hovering over the Date field. The time will then appear, as these form part of the secure quality record for that particular expense.


hover date


How to

Add a Document to a Purchase/Expense Order

Add a Negative Expense Order

Add a Purchase Order

Add an Amount to a PO when Finished at $0

Add an Expense Order

Add Freight to a Purchase Order

Add Purchase Back order

Add Stock to a Purchase Order

Add Vendor Discount

Auto Create a Purchase Order

Create a PO from a Similar or Previous PO

Create a PO Template

Create a purchase order list

Credit Freight

Employee Reimbursements

Enter Serial Numbers

Expense Order Stock Grid

Fix Incorrect Pricing after PO on Finished Status



Link Expenses to a Purchase Order

Link a Job to a Purchase Order

Print a Purchase/Expense Order

Progress Payments on Purchase Orders

Purchase an Asset Under Finance

Purchase Consignment Stock

Receive Consignment Stock

Receive Stock

Record One Invoice number on Multiple Purchase Orders

Record Overseas Purchases, GST and Import Costs

Return to Vendor

Round up Supplier Invoices

Scan Stock into Purchase Orders

Staff Purchases

Unprint Purchase/Expense

Vendor Price Breaks

View or Edit a Purchase/Expense