Expenses at a Glance |
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From the Expense form and the interaction of other default information, accurate and relevant reports (like the purchase order or expense reports) can be defined for transmission to the vendor.
The Expense Order form is divided into the following specific information areas that will provide a complete detailed record of: ▪The vendor and expense order information via the Expense Order header. ▪Chronological records of status changes and customer contact notes, via the Comment grid. ▪The expense information via the expenses grid. ▪The totals of the expense order via the Expense Order footer.
Expense orders have a very special functionality which purchase orders do not.
A negative expense order (this takes the place of returns to vendors and can be used in situations like receiving a credit for an incorrect price on a purchase order where the stock has already been sold) can be applied to stock on purchase orders. The negative expense order will show in the creditor's record like a return/credit and can be applied to purchase orders. ![]()
When selecting the GST Paid Liability general ledger account there will be the option to choose the following tax codes: Y, Z and X. Y = Lump Sum Other Acquisition (G11 in GST calculation sheet) Z = Lump Sum Capital Acquisition G10 in GST calculation sheet) X = Exclude from GST Reports
Further information Purchase/Expense Order Footer Tabs Purchase Order Approval Process Opening Balance Purchase Order Add an Amount to a PO when Finished at $0 Add Comments to a Purchase/Expense Order Add Freight to a Purchase Order Fix Incorrect Pricing after PO Finished Handle Employee Reimbursements Handle a Credit for Freight Charged Link a Job to a Purchase Order Link Expenses to a Purchase Order Print a Purchase/Expense Order Progress Payments on Purchase Orders Record One Invoice Number on Multiple POs Record Overseas Purchases, GST, Import Costs |