Purchase/Expense Order Footer Tabs

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This section of the Purchase/Expense Order form contains buttons, tabs and information relating to the dollar totals of the purchase/expense order.


The following tabs within a Purchase Order form access the following relevant information for that purchase order:        


po v expenses

PO tab will bring up the Comment and stock grids where users record their relevant comments to the purchase order record, and record stock to be supplied by the vendor. When opening any purchase order, this is the active tab.

expenses v po

Expenses tab (on purchase orders only) will show any expenses applied to this purchase order at the rate for the stock line selected (except for those on Cancel status.. See Link Expenses to Purchase Order for more detailed information. You can also navigate to the Expense Order by right clicking on the line.



Note: For non finished expense orders, the line, Description and Value columns will be empty and the font will be grey. These are only assigned when the expense order is set to finish.


The following features are located as buttons within a purchase or expense order form.



If editing, Cancel will ignore all changes made and leave the order in view mode. If adding, Cancel will attempt to abort adding this order and pop a warning to screen asking if cancelling is correct. The next order added will be allocated the same unique order number if it is still available. Because other users may be adding purchase or expense orders at the same time this order was created, the sequence of order numbers may be interrupted by a Cancel. In this instance, it is an automated feature of Jim2 to create an empty purchase or expense order with the status of Cancel.


All edits represent a change to the information in the purchase or expense order form. By selecting Save, all changes made in that session of editing the order will be saved and the order will remain in the Nav Tree.


By selecting Save & Close, all changes made in that session of editing the order will be saved, and the order itself will be closed from view and from the Nav Tree.


By selecting Edit, make changes on the purchase or expense order form.



By selecting Close ,the current purchase or expense order form will close and be removed from the Nav Tree.



This feature allows creating of purchase orders with duplicate information on certain fields from the order that is currently on screen.


Expense order footer

Jim2 Expense Order Footer


Purchase order footer

Jim2 Purchase Order Footer



The fields are different between expense orders and purchase orders. Purchase orders has an extra Freight field.


If licensed for eBusiness vendor stock feeds, the eSend button will be visible in the footer to allow sending the order electronically to the vendor.




The fields on the right-hand side of the purchase order footer are described below. There are two columns within this area: the left column displays the tax component of the related field on the right:





Tax $

Sub Total $

Tax component of the stock in the left column.

Freight $

Tax component of the freight (purchase order only). The dollar value of the tax component of the freight can be adjusted by right clicking and choosing to either increase or decrease by one cent at a time.

Acc Fee $

Tax component of the account fee value.

Total $

Total tax component of the purchase order.


Sub Total $

Shows the stock total minus the tax component.

Freight $

This field is editable to allow entry of a figure for freight on the purchase order. If an amount is entered here, upon finishing the order the COGS of each stock line will increase based on what has been selected in the Freight to Cost By field in the Purchase Order header – value, weight or quantity.



Acc Fee $

This field is intended to be used when a vendor offers a discount if the account is paid on time, or early. If terms are met, this amount will show in the Account Fee Discount column in the creditors form and will be posted to the correct general ledger expense account – Purchase (Account Fee). If terms are not met, this amount will form part of the overall total and will not appear in the Account Fee Discount column.


If the vendor always charges a standard account fee, this is better handled by creating a stock code and pointing it to where to expense it in the general ledger.

Total $

Total of the purchase order.



As freight and account fees are subject to GST, the field next to Freight $ and Account Fee $ is the tax type defaulted from the Tax on Freight and Account Fee fields in the Purchase Options tab, accessed via Tools > Options > Purchase. There are additional tabs and buttons in the purchase order footer that are explained in detail in the Purchase/Expense Footer Tabs section.


The tabs that are common to many objects are explained below.





This tab displays any documents attached to this purchase/expense, eg. a signed delivery note.


This tab will display all watchouts related to this purchase/expense, and allows addition of new watchouts.


This tab will display all notes related to the purchase/expense, including the contact that the note is related to. New notes can be added here.


This tab will display all tasks (appointments, phone calls, to do's, etc.), related to this purchase/expense, as well as allowing adding new tasks.


Tasks can only be utilised if Scheduling is licensed. If not, the following warning will appear:



If this purchase/expense is part of promotional pricing, this tab will show which promotions are related. Unticking Active Only, will show all promotions, including those that are finished.




Narrow the information down by choosing either to Display Promotion or Promotion with all Stock.



Not all fields are showing in these images


The number on the right side of the icon denotes the number of active promotions applicable to this purchase/expense.







The promotion code number.


The description as it appears on the promotion.


Displays the notes entered on the promotion.


The Jim2 object type, ie. specific pricing.


Lists cardfiles, price levels, etc. that relate to the promotion. If there are many cardfiles, it will show (multiple).



Our Ref

Our reference as appears on the promotion, if used.

Promo Break

Shows whether Promo Break is used or not.


Shows the home currency.


Ticked means that the promotion is currently active, unticked means the promotion has finished.

Date Start

Start date of the promotion.

Date End

End date of the promotion.


Vendor supplying the stock.

The fields below show only when Display Promotion with all Stock is selected.


Branch (if branches are enabled).

Stock Code

Stock code related to the promotional pricing.

Qty +

The promotion quantity plus.

Price Ex.

Ex GST price for that stock code.


Further information

Purchases Security

Expenses at a Glance

Purchases at a Glance

Debtors Purchase Orders

Expenses Tab on PO's

How Does Cost of Goods work

How PO Status Affects the GL

Purchase/Expense Comment Grid

Purchase/Expense Order Header

Purchases/Expenses Status

Purchase/Expense Preview Pane        

Purchase/Expense List Header

Purchase/Expense Order List

Purchase/Expense Order Reports

Purchase Order Stock Grid

Manufacturing Purchase Orders

Opening Balance Purchase Order


How to

Add a Document to a Purchase/Expense Order

Add a Negative Expense Order

Add a Purchase Order

Add an Amount to a PO when Finished at $0

Add an Expense Order

Add Comments to a Purchase Order

Add Freight to a Purchase Order

Add Purchase Back order

Add Stock to a Purchase Order

Add Vendor Discount

Auto Create a Purchase Order

Create a PO from a Similar or Previous PO

Create a PO Template

Create a purchase order list

Credit Freight

Employee Reimbursements

Enter Serial Numbers

Expense Order Stock Grid



Fix Incorrect Pricing after PO on Finished Status

Link Expenses to a Purchase Order

Link a Job to a Purchase Order

Print a Purchase/Expense Order

Progress Payments on Purchase Orders

Purchase an Asset Under Finance

Purchase Consignment Stock

Receive Consignment Stock

Receive Stock

Record One Invoice number on Multiple Purchase Orders

Record Overseas Purchases, GST and Import Costs

Return to Vendor

Round up Supplier Invoices

Scan Stock into Purchase Orders

Staff Purchases

Unprint Purchase/Expense

Vendor Price Breaks

View or Edit a Purchase/Expense