Add Stock to a Purchase Order

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The stock grid of any purchase order is designed to record and calculate the quantity and cost price of all depleting, non depleting and special stock.


stock grid on po


If necessary, expand the grid to view all possible fields, by selecting the expandsarrow1 in the top left corner of the grid.


stock grid on po expanded

1.Select the stock grid by either:

Pressing the F4 function key, or

Clicking in the Stock Code field.


If adding multiple stock lines to the grid, at the end of the line pressing the Enter key will move to the next line in the grid, ready to insert another stock code.

2.To add stock to a purchase order, move to the Stock Code field of the stock grid and choose stock in one of the following ways:

Press F5 whilst in the field, or select the Stock Code ellipsis [...] to bring up the Stock Select screen. Within this lookup view quantity on hand, back order quantity, etc, for any stock record. Click OK to select the stock.

Start to enter the stock code. Jim2's intuitive type will pre-empt the entry by showing possible stock codes from the stock records as information is entered. Use F5 whilst in the field to open the Stock Select screen at the currently pre-empted stock code.

Scan the stock barcode to automatically add the correct stock code.


The Stock Select screen allows location and selection of stock to be added to the purchase order. Narrow down the Stock List by entering some text (eg. partial stock code or description) in the search fields at the top of the screen and selecting Run. Now only stock which fits this filter will be displayed. Clear the search fields and select Run to see all stock displayed within the stock grid. For more information see the Purchase/Expense Comment grid section.

You can also import stock into the grid of a purchase order. Click Load Stock to purchase order on the ribbon (this needs to be enabled via Tools > Menu Scripts:

load po script

This will then appear in the Scripts area on the ribbon.

load po script1

This will bring up the Load Stock onto PO screen, which will to allow loading stock to the purchase order via a CSV spreadsheet.


The lower section of the screen explains what is required in the spreadsheet, along with other important information:

Spreadsheet can have columns StockCode, Location, Qty, Cost, SerialNo, Unit, TaxCode, Attribute Columns.

StockCode, Location, Qty are required

If Cost is not there then Vendor Price will be used.

If Unit is not there then Buy Unit will be used.

If TaxCode is not there then X is used if it is Opening Balance otherwise it will use selling Tax Code.

Attribute Columns are columns with a heading prefixed with a *. The heading must be the Attribute  name.

Click Load from file, and the stock grid will be populated with all relevant stock for the purchase order.


Note: Using this process, jobs will not be linked.

3.Once the stock code is selected, the stock description field will be filled in automatically. If Serial on Purchase is ticked on the stock record, to add serialised stock a serial number will need to be entered (if required) by selecting the ellipsis [...] next to Description. Enter a job number. The parts will be added to that job automatically, and show the status of the purchase order.        


If purchasing (or have purchased) stock for a job, add it to that job by entering the job number in the Job# field of the stock grid. If necessary, expand the stock grid fields by selecting the expandsarrow1 arrow in the top left-hand corner of the stock grid and this shows all fields for that stock, including the Job# field. Add the job number to the purchase order, select Save and this will automatically add the stock to that job, showing the purchase order status. If stock is purchased which is linked to a job it will show the stock line in a light blue colour background. If special stock is ordered, the stock code will show in red colour, indicating that this is special stock.

The Location field (in expanded view) will show the location, however this can be edited.

4.Select the unit measure of the stock being purchased and enter the quantity ordered from the vendor.

5.The stock grid will pick up the default stock location for purchases as set up in the user's cardfile, or specify a different stock location. Within the stock grid select another location – to view this area of the grid select the arrow expandsarrow1 in the top left-hand corner of that grid and it will show the expanded view.

6.Pricing in the stock grid is entered based on a number of scenarios:

Will depend on what is set up in Tools > Options > Purchase:


However, if a different vendor is chosen, it will not pick up from the last purchase in the case of the above selection. 

If there is no purchase history, the price will come from the Vendor tab, if it is set to Auto Fill from Vendor tab.


Within the stock grid, search all columns and rows by using Ctrl+S. This will bring up the Locate value screen, where select which field to search, enter the text to search for in the Value field.





A number of functions are available when right clicking within the stock grid – for more information see the purchase order stock grid section.


How to

Add a Document to a Purchase/Expense Order

Add a Negative Expense Order

Add a Purchase Order

Add an Amount to a PO when Finished at $0

Add an Expense Order

Add Comments to a Purchase Order

Add Freight to a Purchase Order

Add Purchase Back order

Add Vendor Discount

Auto Create a Purchase Order

Create a PO from a Similar or Previous PO

Create a PO Template

Create a purchase order list

Credit Freight

Employee Reimbursements

Enter Serial Numbers

Expense Order Stock Grid

Fix Incorrect Pricing after PO on Finished Status



Link Expenses to a Purchase Order

Link a Job to a Purchase Order

Print a Purchase/Expense Order

Progress Payments on Purchase Orders

Purchase an Asset Under Finance

Purchase Consignment Stock

Receive Consignment Stock

Receive Stock

Record One Invoice number on Multiple Purchase Orders

Record Overseas Purchases, GST and Import Costs

Return to Vendor

Round up Supplier Invoices

Scan Stock into Purchase Orders

Staff Purchases

Unprint Purchase/Expense

Vendor Price Breaks

View or Edit a Purchase/Expense