The statuses that have been set up to apply to purchase orders signal the need to perform an action within the workflow. The responsibility to perform that action is monitored in real time. A change of status by a user signals the need for a new action, then passes responsibility to perform that action along the workflow. Jim2 records time/date/initial data on status changes for productivity reports, and to keep a secure quality record for each purchase order.
Using Jim2 purchase order statuses, monitor how successfully procedures or users perform.
When a user changes the status of the purchase order, Jim2 will automatically prompt the user for a comment by placing a new line in the Comment grid of the purchase order.
Creating a purchase order list by Status will provide an accurate record of overall purchases in progress. By choosing specific search criteria for the purchase order list, monitor vendor, user and stock trends (active and historic).
The following statuses are available to map workflow for purchase orders. Others can be added in the Setup defaults:
This is the default status applied to a purchase order when first added. All purchases begin with this status.
This status signals that the purchase order has been cancelled.
This status signals that the purchase order is finished. Once finished, it will create a general ledger transaction to update the general ledger accounts, stock and creditors.
This status signals that the stock has been ordered. Once status is set to ordered, the quantities will show in the Stock On Hand tab of the stock record in the On Order field.
This status is used when the stock has been received and the quantities need to move across to the stock record, but at this stage the vendor's invoice with the final pricing may not have been received. This status allows selling the stock before the purchase order is finalised. The value of the purchase order will be placed into the general ledger in purchase orders on Received and Temp Creditors on Received until the purchase order is finished. Once the purchase order is updated and finished, the previous entry is reversed and the correct entry posted.
At this point, a vendor invoice date will be required. If no invoice has been received, you can use whatever date you wish. Upon receipt of the invoice, the vendor invoice date can be updated to the correct date.
Note: The only status you can use after the Received status is FINISH. Therefore, you cannot add a status between Received and FINISH.
Within the stock record Buying tab, the Received field will show the purchase order status up to the point of marking the purchase order as Received and/or Finish. At this point it will put the received date in red and, once finished, show the Finish date in black.
Further information
Purchases Security
Debtors Purchase Orders
Expenses at a Glance
Purchases at a Glance
Expenses Tab on POs
How Does Cost of Goods work
How PO Status Affects the GL
Purchase/Expense Order Header
Purchase/Expense Order Footer Tabs
Purchase/Expense Comment Grid
Purchase Order Approval Process
Purchase Order Stock Grid
Purchase Order Reports
Purchase Order List
Purchase/Expense Preview Pane
Purchase List Header
Expense Order Stock Grid
Opening Balance Purchase Order
Add a Negative Expense Order
Add a Purchase Order
Add a Document to an Order
Add an Amount to a PO when Finished at $0
Add an Expense Order
Add Backorder Purchase Order
Add Comments to a Purchase/Expense Order
Add Freight to a Purchase Order
Add Stock to a Purchase Order
Add Vendor Discount
Auto Create a Purchase Order
Create a PO from a Similar PO
Create a PO Template
Create a Purchase Order List
Enter Serial Numbers
Fix Incorrect Pricing after PO Finished
Handle Employee Reimbursements
Handle a Credit for Freight Charged
Link a Job to a Purchase Order
Link Expenses to a Purchase Order
Print a Purchase/Expense Order
Progress Payments on Purchase Orders
Purchase Consignment Stock
Receive Consignment Stock
Receive Stock
Record One Invoice Number on Multiple POs
Record Overseas Purchases, GST, Import Costs
Return to Vendor
Round up Supplier Invoices
Scan Stock into a Purchase Order
Staff Purchases
Unprint Purchase/Expense
Vendor Price Breaks
View or Edit a Purchase/Expense