View or Edit a Purchase/Expense

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view purchase1


1.View or edit a purchase order by either:

Clicking View/Edit Purchase on the ribbon, or

Right clicking on Purchases in the Nav Tree and clicking View/Edit Purchase.


If purchase order number is not known, use the search features of the purchase list to find the purchase. To open the purchase in View mode, double click the purchase in the list. To edit that purchase, click Edit at the bottom of the Purchase Order form just opened, or highlight the purchase order in the list and click either View or Edit at the bottom of the list.

view edit PO

2.The above screen will appear and enter the purchase order number. Click either View or Edit, depending on what function to be performed.



Clicking Cancel will not cancel the purchase order selected – it will only cancel the choice to view or edit that purchase order. To cancel a Purchase order, edit that purchase order and apply the status of Cancel. Jim2 will time/date/initial stamp the cancellation, log the history of the cancellation and lock the purchase order from further edit. It will now only be available to view.


While in View mode click Edit to make any changes. Both active and finished purchase orders can be viewed. Purchase orders on a status of Finish cannot be edited unless they are unprinted first.


How to

Add a Document to a Purchase/Expense Order

Add a Negative Expense Order

Add a Purchase Order

Add an Amount to a PO when Finished at $0

Add an Expense Order

Add Comments to a Purchase Order

Add Freight to a Purchase Order

Add Purchase Back order

Add Stock to a Purchase Order

Add Vendor Discount

Auto Create a Purchase Order

Create a PO from a Similar or Previous PO

Create a PO Template

Create a purchase order list

Credit Freight

Employee Reimbursements

Enter Serial Numbers

Expense Order Stock Grid



Fix Incorrect Pricing after PO on Finished Status

Link Expenses to a Purchase Order

Link a Job to a Purchase Order

Print a Purchase/Expense Order

Progress Payments on Purchase Orders

Purchase an Asset Under Finance

Purchase Consignment Stock

Receive Consignment Stock

Receive Stock

Record One Invoice number on Multiple Purchase Orders

Record Overseas Purchases, GST and Import Costs

Return to Vendor

Round up Supplier Invoices

Scan Stock into Purchase Orders

Staff Purchases

Unprint Purchase/Expense

Vendor Price Breaks