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This section examines the role of stock within the work process, and the interaction of stock with other Jim2 activities.


Jim2 Stock is one of the most feature-packed and powerful stock control applications available. Throughout Jim2 Help, there may occasionally be a reference to a stock item or item of stock. This should not be confused with Jim2 Items, which is an entirely separate object.


The Stock function in Jim2 provides the business with very strict inventory control. Jim2 can calculate stock quantities on a live basis, integrating information on stock measures, stock locations, stock transfers, returns from customers, returns to vendors and purchase order status. Jim2 will prompt users to create back orders for incomplete supply/receipt of stock on purchases and jobs.



In Jim2, stock includes normal depleting and non depleting inventory, as well as labour stock, applies stock (used to apply certain tests and checks), special and journal stock. The diversity of stock types ensures that the real costs of inputs are able to be on-charged to customers accurately and consistently.


Note: A stock type of Depleting cannot be changed to Non-Depleting. The process is to create similar, then make the original stock inactive.



Please be sure to thoroughly read and understand the Stock object. It is suggested to seek additional advice or support from Happen Business (email prior to implementing Jim2 Stock Control, especially in the use of peripheral devices such as barcode readers, scanners, label printers and point-of-sale front ends, which can be enabled by the use of scripting.


Definition of stock in Jim2

In the Jim2 environment, stock not only includes purchased products, but also manufactured products, labour and quality checking/testing procedures. The stock records that are set up carry cost calculations to the jobs that performed for customers. Stock can be linked to specific Items to ensure that the job (sales or service) carries default labour, products or quality check/test procedures.


To implement stock control within the business, purchases will link directly to stock records. Varying stock selling costs and price breaks may also be set for the different customers identified by customer price level codes. Jim2 features customer specific pricing, where set unique pricing for customers at the stock code level, regardless of their overall price level.


Jim2 has a provision for one-off purchasing of special stock. This stock type identifies stock lines that aren't part of normal stock inventory but, when purchasing them, they are completely traceable and form part of the stock value.

Special Stock covers stock where costs from the supplier will fluctuate. Special stock is also uniquely purchased for a specific job. The cost of goods will be taken across to the job when the stock is added, hence it uses the Exact COGS rather than the Last COGS.

Jim2 also has the power of Manufacturing. Certain parts can be purchased and manufactured into a completely different product. Manufacturing includes multi-level manufacturing as well.


Manufactured stock cannot be added as an ingredient in the single level manufacturing process, since the finished product cannot be used as a component of that product.

Jim2 also allows for setting the ranking of multiple vendors and their specific stock ordering code, to be used when purchasing stock.



Warranty issues and stock recall are easily handled by Jim2. Invoiced sales of stock can be found using the Job List, purchase list and/or Transactions tab. Serial number tracking can also be enabled on buy or sell of stock for product verification. Vendor performance reporting can be performed accurately, and vendors can be made active/inactive (via their cardfile) to ensure that stock purchased meets specific quality criteria.



Remembering that Jim2 is a live multi user environment, it should be made clear that calculations of available quantities of stock are affected by what is/has been received via purchases and what has actually been sold (invoiced or specifically used for a job). It needs to be understood that what was on hand at a previous time cannot be seen because this is a live environment.


Jim2 regards stock as on hand until the job is invoiced.


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