Deactivate a Stock Code

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mark stock inactive


Whilst there are no issues with marking stock as inactive when there is a quantity in stock (as this does not affect reporting), a warning will appear:


qty in stock


Normally, the stock would not be marked as inactive when there is a quantity in stock, however it is fine to do so.


Possible reasons for marking inactive:

New product but not for sale or purchase yet.

Old product that is in stock and needs to be written off.

It should not be available for selection, ie. product recall for example, and stock is in a quarantine location.

The product is still in stock, but just being flagged as inactive.


Consider unticking both the This Stock I Buy and This Stock I Sell, which is the basically the same as Inactive.


A report to use for auditing purposes is Stock Value By GL Group under Management > Reports in the Stock Reports folder. This report directly compares the stock sub ledger to the general ledger, and is a good way to check that no one is journalling directly to the SOH general ledger accounts.


In a perfect world this report should match to the cent, but is often out a few cents due to rounding (eg. I buy a pack of 3 things at $10 so 3.3333 each in SOH).


The Stock List by default only shows active stock, however if clicking in the Active checkbox twice to show a solid black box inside the checkbox will show both active and inactive.


active inactive


How to

Add a Document to Stock

Add Groups to Stock

Add Images to Stock

Add Multiple Stock Records

Add Service Stock

Add Vendor Codes

Apply a Credit Card Charge Using Stock

Backfill Stock Sold in Advance

Bulk Update Stock

Buy and Sell in Different Measures

Buying your own stock

Change a Serial Number on a Stock Record

Change Stock GL Group

Create Similar

Generate a Backdated Detailed Stock on Hand Report

Make Stock Inactive

Handle Warranty Stock

Import Vendor Pricing



Merge Stock Codes

Move Stock from Depleting to Asset

Print Shelf Talkers

Print Stock Reports

Rental Stock

Sell Stock in Advance

Set up Pricing


Stock Adjustments

Stop Users from Giving Discounts

Synchronise Stock

Track Serial Numbers

Unallocate Stock

Update Stock Prices

Use Stock Select

Use Your Own Inventory

View or Edit Stock

Write off Stock