Add Groups to Stock

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To assign Groups to a particular stock record, start by clicking the ellipsis [...] at the end of the Groups field.




The Stock Group Management screen will appear, showing a list of all groups that are currently available. Use the scroll bar (hover over the scroll bar area and it will appear) and arrows to select the desired group/sub-group. When finished, click Select.


add stock group1


If a suitable group is not available, a group can be added while still in this screen. To do so, right click and select Add Group, or Add Child Group, from the dropdown list. Select the codes to add to the group and drag onto the new group name. Use the Ctrl and Shift keys to multi-select.


add child stock group


A new, empty text line will appear. Enter the new group or child group name, then use Enter. From the (root) all stock codes will show in the Code screen. The new group will now be available and applied immediately by clicking the Button (small grey forward arrow) symbol to move the new group to the Selected Groups side of the screen.


name child stock group


When all the appropriate groups (report, non report, brands etc.) have been applied to the stock, click Select.



When adding report level groups to stock, only have one group at each level assigned to that stock. The groups must be consecutively ascending, ie. to assign a level 2 group, a level 1 group must have been assigned first. Above, Service is level 1, and On Site is level 2. The simplest way to do this is to select the final group the stock is in.


How to

Add a Document to Stock

Add Groups to Stock

Add Images to Stock

Add Multiple Stock Records

Add Service Stock

Add Vendor Codes

Apply a Credit Card Charge Using Stock

Backfill Stock Sold in Advance

Bulk Update Stock

Buy and Sell in Different Measures

Buying your own stock

Change a Serial Number on a Stock Record

Change Stock GL Group

Create Similar

Generate a Backdated Detailed Stock on Hand Report

Make Stock Inactive

Handle Warranty Stock

Import Vendor Pricing



Merge Stock Codes

Move Stock from Depleting to Asset

Print Shelf Talkers

Print Stock Reports

Rental Stock

Sell Stock in Advance

Set up Pricing


Stock Adjustments

Stop Users from Giving Discounts

Synchronise Stock

Track Serial Numbers

Unallocate Stock

Update Stock Prices

Use Stock Select

Use Your Own Inventory

View or Edit Stock

Write off Stock