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Jim2 Groups are a method of sorting cardfiles, Items, stock, projects (if licensed), users and documents into meaningful groups to refine searches, etc.



Note: Group names have a character limit of 128.


As the hierarchy is shown using commas between each group, it is advisable to not use commas within the group name. For example, instead of Barricades, Banners, it should be Barricades Banners:





These do not necessarily have a basis in price level (but can also include that).


Groups can be quite general, eg. choose key business indicators used for marketing and/or business analysis, or relevant to issues such as demographics.





Note: Group names can be 128 characters long.


Report level groups can be thought of as the way stock should be grouped in reports, price lists, on your website and the Stock Select screen.


Although Jim2 Group Management makes it easy to maintain and organise groups, it is best to think logically about how the most can be made of groups prior to implementing them.


For instance, as part of a buying group or franchise, it is easy to implement a standard product tree among the group for reporting at a group level. Or make the grouping the same as the largest vendor or biggest stock mover.





The default depth of the report levels used for Stock Groups can be set under Tools > Options > Stock, as well as the default grouping – by report level or by vendor/region. There is no limit to how many child levels you can create.




For example, in the above image there are 5 group levels (the maximum number of levels allowed). Once 5 group levels have been created, no more levels can be added.





Project groups will not be selectable unless the company has the appropriate Jim2 licence, either Managed Print Services or Managed Services.


Cardfiles, Items, stock, projects, documents and users can be easily grouped and sorted by dragging from one tree branch to another.


The available group management options (tabs across the top of the Groups screen) for each of these five Jim2 objects are listed below:



Group Management Options


Report, Non Report, Region


Report, Non Report


Report, Non Report, Brand, Price Group


Report, Non Report, Brand


Folders, Tags, Category


Tags, Category



The stock group management options allow to group stock by brand, then by price group, or by price group only.


Further information

Add Groups to an Object

Group Types

Managing Groups

Ordering of Groups and Stock