Stock On Hand Tab

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The Stock On Hand tab allows identifying current stock on order, on hand, reserved, linked, allocated, back ordered and available quantities.


Stock on Hand Tab



Remember that Jim2 is a live multi user environment. It should be made clear that calculation of available quantities of stock is affected by what is/has been received via purchases and what has actually been sold (invoiced or specifically held for a job).


Stock on hand fields explained




This is where the stock is located. It can be in one or more locations.

On Hand

This column shows how many units of stock are currently in stock.


This column indicates how many active jobs are using this stock.


This column shows how many units of stock are required for jobs.


This column shows how many units of stock are in jobs which are reserved/ready.


This column shows how many units of stock are available for sale.

On Order

This column shows how many units of stock are listed in purchase orders which are not received or finished.

On Transfer

Displays the quantity of stock currently on transfer to that location.

Linked PO (finished)

This column shows how many units of stock are in finished or received purchase orders, linked to jobs that are not yet invoiced.

Linked Jobs (active)

This column shows how many units of stock are in active jobs and linked to any purchase orders.

Back Order

This column shows how many units of stock are listed in the back order column in the stock grid of jobs.

Attributes Column

When Show attributes is ticked, these columns will show coloured with a blue background.


Further information

Buying Tab

Committed Tab

Document tab

Manufacture Tab

Notes Tab

Pricing Tab

Pricing Tab Stock Costs

Promotional Pricing Tab

Sales Tab

Stats Tab

Stock on Hand Tab

Transactions Tab

Vendors Tab

Watchouts Tab