Sales Tab

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The Sales tab provides a simple list of all previous sale-type transactions for this particular stock.


sales tab




Card Code

This is the card code of the customer related to this sales line.


The full name on record for this card code.

Item Code

The Item Code as entered on the original Job, eg. Sale, Service, etc.


The date of the original transaction.


This refers to the job number or return from customer number.


This is the location of the stock when the original transaction was made.


Shows the current state of this transaction, invoiced or finish.


The quantity sold


The unit type of the sale, UNIT, BOX, CTN, etc.

Qty Total

The total quantity of this sale

Price Ex.

The price of a single unit, excluding tax.

Price Inc.

The price of a single unit, excluding tax.


The total price including tax, ie. Qty Total x Price Inc.


Further information

Buying Tab

Committed Tab

Document tab

Manufacture Tab

Notes Tab

Pricing Tab

Pricing Tab Stock Costs

Promotional Pricing Tab

Sales Tab

Stats Tab

Stock on Hand Tab

Transactions Tab

Vendors Tab

Watchouts Tab