The Manufacture tab (appears on manufactured stock only) provides a simple list of all previous jobs related to this particular stock.
Job number.
Customer name.
Quantity of stock on the job.
Branch where the stock on the job comes from, if branches are enabled.
The stock location.
Ex. Job#
If this job is related to another job, that job number will be shown here.
Due Date
Job due date.
Item on the job.
Within the Comment grid, hover over a heading and the Filter icon will appear. Select the filter and a list of available filters will appear to help refine the search. This is particularly useful when there are a lot of comments within the grid. These filters will only show comments specific to the filter chosen.
The Custom Filter choice allows defining the search further:
Further information
Buying Tab
Committed Tab
Document tab
Manufacture Tab
Notes Tab
Pricing Tab
Pricing Tab Stock Costs
Promotional Pricing Tab
Sales Tab
Stats Tab
Stock on Hand Tab
Transactions Tab
Vendors Tab
Watchouts Tab