Autotask Connector Lookup Mappings |
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timeEntryType = Jim2 Labour Type.
ticketType = Jim2 Job Type. Using Autotask types as Jim2 Job Types makes it easier to filter the jobs coming/going to/from Autotask.
status = Jim2 Job Status. If you configure the integration to push tickets from Jim2 into Autotask, you will need one-one mapping as per below. If tickets are only coming from Autotask, you don't need to do so. For example, below, the Jim2 Status could be just WAIT for all the different Waiting X versions in Autotask.
Roles = Jim2 User Group Categories. This is only required if you are pushing tickets from Jim2 to Autotask.
Priority Mapping = Jim2 Priority.
IssueType = Jim2 Job Item#. We suggest one-to-one mapping, however this is optional.
InvoiceMethod = The method selected on Jim2 CardFile for sending invoices.
BillingCodes = Jim2 Labour stock codes.
Further setup information Autotask Connector Resource Mapping |