Lookup Mappings

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timeEntryType = Jim2 Labour Type


ticketType = Jim2 Job Type. Using Autotask types as Jim2 Job Types makes it easier to filter the jobs coming/going to/from Autotask.


status = Jim2 Job Status. If you configure the integration to push tickets from Jim2 into Autotask, you will need one-one mapping as per below. If tickets are only coming from Autotask, you don't need to do so. For example, below, the Jim2 Status could be just WAIT for all the different Waiting X versions in Autotask.

autotask status

Roles = Jim2 User Group Categories. This is only required if you are pushing tickets from Jim2 to Autotask.

user group categories

Priority Mapping = Jim2 Priority.

priority mapping

IssueType = Jim2 Job Item#. We suggest one-to-one mapping, however this is optional.

issue type

InvoiceMethod = The method selected on Jim2 CardFile for sending invoices.


BillingCodes = Jim2 Labour stock codes.


The Match Same Values button will attempt to map pre-existing like values to save you time.


Manual Refresh

Lookups are automatically synced, however you can manually update Lookups by selecting Refresh All Lookups after Connecting, then selecting Poll Now on the required line.


refresh lookups


Go to Lookup Mappings and ensure the Resource has been mapped again.



This happens automatically as part of the scheduled lookup refresh.



Follow the links below for completing the Jim2 setup:


Lookup Mappings

Resource Mapping

Filters Tab

Autotask Polling & Data Flow


Known Errors