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An Asset is anything supplied to a customer on a do-and-charge basis. For example, computer/network hardware, phone cards (ie. 100 free calls, then charge per minute after that).


An Asset can be installed at a customer, then returned, refurbished and installed at a different customer, keeping all history on the Asset, rather than on individual contracts.


This is about separating Assets from Projects, and enhancing the Project interface. This means that the information that is typically stored in the header of a Project can now be split, and one Asset can be related to many Projects, as well as multiple Assets being be linked to a Project. For this reason, serial numbers are stored at an Asset level, rather than a Project level.


Assets can be placed into Groups to allow further filtering in lists, etc.


asset groups


Further information

Assets Security

Asset List

Asset Header

Asset Footer

Asset Grid Fields


How to

Add an Asset

Add an Item

Add Documents to Assets

Link Templates to Assets